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Posted on 1:24 AM, under , , ,

Much of what I wrote yesterday has fallen to the difference a day can make. We have a cohesive community here, no questions about it. It's difficult to understand how exactly it all came together, or if there was a moment upon which the possibility teetered on the threshold and then fell towards the inevitable, but I can say with confidence that I am invested enough in this group and its goals that I welcome being fundamentally changed by what we do together over the next year.

I suppose much of the credit goes to the top-down planning that we're all pretty certain happened in the months before this Camp. Those running this great ongoing experiment knew enough to take the right risk with this particular collection of oddballs and characters such that we would intuitively see the opportunity for transformative energy and seize it without concern or regret. They knew, by something they read or something we said, that we each were sparks in search of a wildfire, and calculated just the right kindling to start the chain reaction.

To illustrate that I'm not just blowing smoke, I'll point out a happy coincidence that our benevolent overlords were delighted to cause. I didn't introduce the word "fractal" to the common tongue here, but I'm delighted that someone lit upon the word within my hearing. The fact that each of our learning circles seems to exhibit the same degree of skill/knowledge symmetry found in our cohorts which just happens to be reflected in the greater Cadre is about as accidental as a Jackson Pollock. Bringing up Distributed Cognition on the first day of our first class and thereby implicitly tickling our brains with the question of the boundaries of cognition was, as they say, just icing.

I don't mean to direct too much of the credit away from us as individuals and as a group. Our program co-directors deserve their due. They created the precisely tuned chaos, but we put our hands to the wheel and shaped an order that works better for us than even they seem to have expected. I still wouldn't be surprised if things fall apart a bit before the end of Camp... I would be utterly shocked if we didn't pull it all back together with the unflappable cohesion that we've all seen manifest with every obstacle we pass.

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1 Reply to "Community"

  • mistermortensen on July 23, 2009 at 1:41 PM

    This is a well written introspection. You should sign up for storyteller on the leader mind maps page.

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